TV shows that should launch their own furniture range

Posted 3rd May 2013 by Aaron Jones

TV shows that should launch their own furniture range

Following the news that producers of Downton Abbey are to launch a furniture range inspired by the show, it got us thinking who could follow suit.

More importantly, it got us thinking what shows set designs and props we would not mind owning ourselves.

To be able to qualify for the list, the show obviously has to be a success and the furniture used within it need to be unique and eye catching.

Below is a list of shows that should consider following Downton's example and launch their own range of furniture.

Dr Who

Forget furniture from a different era, who doesn't want to own furniture from an alternative galaxy? Furniture inspired by the numerous Tardises The Doctor and his campanions have travelled in over the years, could also be included. We reckon producers should mark the upcoming 50th anniversary with the launch of a Dr Who furniture range!

Mad Men

Simlarly to Downton Abbey, Mad Men could launch a range inspired by furniture of the era in which it is set. The AMC series' gorgeous set designs often include classic design furniture, such as Florence Knoll sofas, Bibendum armchairs and Eiffel chairs. Plus, who doesn't want to live like Don Draper for atleast a day?

Big Brother

Now that the shows popularity has peetered out, producers may decide to grab some quick cash by selling of furniture that was used throughout the years before everyone forgets a show called Big Brother ever existed. The Egg Chairs used for the Diary Room became iconic.. In all honesty, the furniture was the best part of the programme anyway.

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