The Ball Chair by Eero Aarnio

Posted 11th June 2013 by Aaron Jones

The Ball Chair by Eero Aarnio

The Ball Chair is a personal favourite, due to to its unconventional and futuristic design. It often thought of as a eccentric piece of furniture and as Eero Aarnio's greatest creation.

Also known as the globe chair, it was designed by Aarnio in 1963. Since its creation, it has been in production ever since and many manipulations of the chair have arisen; including the Bubble Chair.

The furniture piece is made from an acrylic frame, steel swovel pedestral and fabric/ leather inner.

On the inspiration behind and creation of his masterpiece Aarnio said, "The idea of the chair was very obvious. We had moved to our first home and I had started my free-lance career in 1962. We had a home but no proper big chair, so I decided to make one, but some way a really new one. After some drawing I noticed that the shape of the chair had become so simple that it was merely a ball. I pinned the full scale drawing on the wall and ‚sat’ in the chair to see how my head would move when sitting inside it. Being the taller one of us I ‚sat’ in the chair and my wife drew the course of my head on the wall. This is how I determined the height of the chair. Since I aimed at a ball shape, the other lines were easy to draw, just remembering that the chair would have to fit through a doorway.

"After this I made the first prototype myself using an inside mould, which has been made using the same principle as a glider fuselage or wing. I covered the plywood body mould with wet paper and laminated the surface with fiberglass, rubbed down the outside, removed the mould from inside, had it upholstered and added the leg. In the end I installed the red telephone on the inside wall of the chair. The naming part of the chair was easy, the BALL CHAIR was born.”

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